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Pay It Forward Again and Again

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' Martin Luther King, Jr.

It's so easy to make everything about yourself and ignore everybody else.You see tragedy on the television, you turn the channel to E! You hear a friend complaining about some problems that they are having and you tune them out thinking about your to do list. These terrible habits are the key to living an empty meaningless life.

Martin Luther King challenges you to answer the question what you are doing for others. Not much most people will say.This is why there is sadness and the ultimate breakdown of our communities. It's not about you, it about the community. It's about those who cannot help themselves that you can help.

The first question on BabbleStash asks the user, "What was the best thing that happened to you today?" The second question of BabbleStash is, "What could you have done better?" Try answering these questions on a daily basis for ten days. At the end of ten days, listen to your answers in the Stash. What were the best things? What could you have done better? Then challenge yourself to get involved in your community and volunteer your time to help others. Now try the same experiment recording your answers to the same two questions for ten days. Your answers will change and so will you.

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